Lingashtakam lyrics
Lingashtakam lyrics

I salute that eternal Shiva Lingam.Ħ.1: (I salute that eternal Shiva Lingam) Which is worshipped and served by the group of Devas (Gods) with true Bhava (emotion or contemplation) and Bhakti (devotion),Ħ.2: And which has the splendor of a million suns.

lingashtakam lyrics

I salute that eternal Shiva Lingam.ĥ.1: (I salute that eternal Shiva Lingam) Which is anointed with Kumkuma (Saffron) and Chandana (Sandal paste), which is beautifully decorated with garlands of Lotuses,ĥ.2: And which destroys the accumulated sins (of several lives). I salute that eternal Shiva Lingam.Ĥ.1: (I salute that eternal Shiva Lingam) Which is decorated with Gold and other precious gems, which is adorned with the best of the serpents wrapped around it,Ĥ.2: And which destroyed the grand yajna (sacrifice) of Daksha. I salute that eternal Shiva Lingam.ģ.1: (I salute that eternal Shiva Lingam) Which is beautifully smeared with various fragrant pastes, which is the cause behind the elevation of a person's (spiritual) intelligence and discernment,ģ.2: And which is praised by the Siddhas, Devas and the Asuras. Devotees chant this hymn early in the morning or in the evening, preferably during sunrise and sunset, while performing Shiva Puja in front of a Shivalinga or while remembering Lord Shiva.ġ.1: (I salute that eternal Shiva Lingam) Which is adored by Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and the Gods, which is pure, shining, and well-adorned,ġ.2: And which destroys the sorrows associated with birth (and human life). I salute that eternal Shiva Lingam.Ģ.1: (I salute that eternal Shiva Lingam) Which is worshipped by the Gods and the best of Sages, which burns all desires, which is compassionate,Ģ.2: And which destroyed the pride of even Ravana. Shiva Lingashtakam is chanted during the Shiva Puja that is performed on every day during this month. The holy month of Shravan (fifth month of the Hindu Calendar) is considered to be an auspicious time to offer prayers to Lord Shiva. Shiva Lingashtakam lists Lord Shiva’s glories and the benefits of worshipping the Shivalinga. Shivalinga is a symbolic representation of the creation of the Universe from the eternal play of Shiva and Shakti. The prayer is a declaration of faith, obedience, loyalty, and devotion towards Lord Shiva. Penned by Adi Shankaracharya, himself considered to be an avatar of Lord Shiva, Shiva Lingashtakam is a prayer offered to Lord Shiva in the form of linga (meaning symbol in Sanskrit).

lingashtakam lyrics lingashtakam lyrics

A countless number of people wake up every day to the holy sounds of this composition set to a melodious tune that reflects the cultural ethos of that particular region. One such ashtakam that is beamed from temples across India is the Shiva Lingashtakam. This is evident from the dozens of ashtakam found in the annals of the Indian culture. They were one of the favorite poetic instruments of the rishis (sage) of the past. Ashtakam is a poetic composition in Sanskrit of eight stanzas or verses.

Lingashtakam lyrics